Doing good is good! On 16 and 17 October the following associations will be present at the Ascona Locarno Run:
All4All, They will run the 10 km Run at the Ascona-Locarno Run pushing, cheering and taking care of those who cannot run. “Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we are able to “donate running” with a race package full of emotions that only a finisher can know…”.
Una goccia nel mare (A drop in the ocean): “A small gesture can be worth a lot. We all inhabit the same planet, but we don’t all have the same opportunities”. It is a non-profit association that collects donations for organisations or people in need all over the world.
Lega ticinese contro il cancro (Ticino Cancer League): “The greatest intention of the Lega ticinese contro il cancro is to offer a warm embrace and to lighten the burden that serious illness places on the sick person and their loved ones.”
We look forward to seeing you on the Piazza Grande to introduce you to these associations!